Jing Xia
Robotics Engineer
About Jing
Now I am an algorithm engineer in Li Auto for autonomous driving cars. I may seek a chance to join a PhD program to get a deeper view of robotics or autonomous vehicle field.

Senior R&D Engineer
Li Auto, Beijing, China
2020.8 - Present
Design and develop localization algorithms for L3/L4 vehicle for real production.
Linux & Embedded system

Algorithm Engineer
2018.7 - 2020.8
Design and implement localization algorithms using camera/IMU/GNMM/HD MAP for L2+ car.
Internship as a Software and Electrical Engineer
Duro UAS, New York City, NY, USA
2017.6 - 2017.11
Build and Develop the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle using NVIDIA Jetson TX1 Based on ROS.
Internship as Team Leader and Project Manager
DJI, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China
2016.7 - 2016.8
Complete a project for DJI drone navigating and grabbing objects autonomously. Get third-place winner in Drone Competition during the intern among 10 teams.
Authors and title:
Keyu Ruan, Lingxi Li*, Guobiao Song, Jing Xia, Hongyu Pang
A Novel Method for Ground-truth Determination of Lane Information through a Single Web Camera
Conference: 2020 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV).

New York University, Brooklyn, NY 2016 - 2018
Master degree in Robotics and Mechatronics.
Washington State University, Pullman, WA 2012-2016
Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering

Member of NYU Robotic Design Team 2016.9-present
Completed ROS simulation and Developed the autonomy system for Robot Atlas07 for 2017 NASA Robotic Mining Competition in Titusville, FL.
Member of Palouse Robosub Team 2015.8-2016.5
Completed a data acquisition system on Robosub for receiving and processing the signal under water for the senior design project, which is equipped with the robot the International Robosub Competition (2016) in San Diego, CA.

Relevant Coursework
Advanced Mechatronics
Robot Mobility
Networked Robotics Systems, Cooperative Control and Swarming
Robot Gait and Manipulation
Simulation Tools and Software for Mechatronics and Robotics
Robot Mechanics
Program Design& Development
Data Structures
Design of Logic Circuits
Microprocessor Systems
Electrical Circuits
Electromagnetics Field and Waves
Signals and Systems
Distributed Parameter Systems
Electrical Power Systems
Introductions to control systems
Introduction of Robotics